WORKSHOP July 29th | Denver, co

Congratulations on your pregnancy!


It’s no secret that preparing for a new baby is a lot of work. By now you’ve probably picked out nursery colors, started a registry, and have begun to get your house ready for your new little arrival. Now is also the perfect time to prepare yourself and your support person for labor, birth, and beyond!

space is limited

Do you feel

Overwhelmed with all the information that you are reading?

Unsure about what to expect during the last trimester?

Worried about your sleep or how well your baby will sleep?

Concerned about supporting postpartum mental health?

Unsure of how to confidently feed your baby once he/she is here?

 Have you already taken a prenatal class but still don't feel confident about delivery and how to navigate the postpartum period after baby is born?

During this IN PERSON class, new parents (OR parents that want a refresher) will prepare for the big day and beyond while creating community with other expecting parents.

Brittani Edds BSN RN, IBCLC, owner of The Milk Academy, will be teaching you the information you need and guiding you with hands on demonstrations to help you feel confident in the early days of breastfeeding or chestfeeding your child.

Brittani, BSN RN, IBCLC

The Milk academy

Heather Mena MS, CNM will be discussing navigating the labor, birth, and postpartum period with mindfulness. With her expertise in midwifery, she will be giving you tangible tools to get you through the birthing process.

Heather, MS, CNM

Certified Nurse Midwife

Sara Nudd BSN RN CPN PMH-C, owner of The Mama Co-Op, will teach actionable steps to support healthy sleep for both mom and her partner during the last trimester, review realistic sleep expectations and strategies for the new baby, and review postpartum mental health wellness tips.


The Mama co-op

July 29th | Denver, co

oh baby!


per person 

(+FREE support partner)

scholarship available-inquire within

What can you expect?


You will get a deep dive into holistic birthing preparation and postpartum recovery from one the Rocky Mountain regions most respected certified nurse midwife.


We will unlock step-by-step sleep practices for parents and baby that support sustainable rest.


You the receive the breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and bottle feeding guidance that you need the early days of feeding your child.


Education on risk factors for postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, how to recognize symptoms and resources to for support.  


Community, confidence and hands on practice that you REALLY need in order to welcome your new baby.

Come join us for lots of education, guaranteed laughs, and new connections as you head into parenthood. 


We can't wait to see you!